Monday, April 16, 2012

how romantic of me

to grow a tree of living lace outside my bedroom window!

no i didn't make it up; it's the Chionanthus virginicus,  but Fringe Tree is easier to remember & pronounce!
it's actually a native tree of our eastern woodlands & i have been lucky enough to find a few growing in their favorite haunts. 

it shimmers in the sunlight & glows in the moonlight.  i have this fantasy about being woken up one night by the fragrance sliding in my window on a moonbeam.  hearing laughter, i'll look out & see lightning bugs frolicking among its flowers & elves sitting on the slim branches; dangling their feet & clapping their hands.  except, it blooms in april & lightning bugs don't come out until, what, the heat of june? 
 remind me next march to look for the christmas lights!


  1. ohhhh how deliciously enchanted. I'm listening !

  2. thank you! & i see the lady elves in your lace camisole to match!! xo
