by John Reasinger
as shared in the Perfume Pharmer by Monica Miller
as shared in the Perfume Pharmer by Monica Miller
*dabs some “Afternoon Slant” (Dabney Rose) to the inside of my right forearm*
A soft and unassuming sweetness rises from my skin. An almost boozy warmth makes me feel as if I am sitting in a wicker chair, outside in my garden, sniffing a fine fruity brandy or honeyed cognac. The sun is past its zenith, but still pours its warm golden sunlight over me, warming me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I am awash in warmth on the outside, as the liquor warms me from the inside. Flowers droop around me, it’s so warm they have a hard time holding up their heads. Subtle spiciness laced through a sticky sweet treacle actually makes my mouth water and I lick my lips. A bumblebee buzzes lazily by me, thinks about landing on a flower to drink its berry sweet nectar, but decides to just keeps going. I am sure there would normally be more bugs flitting about, if it weren’t so warm…not humid, just the kind of day where you wanna lay about and do nothing but “be”. I close my eyes and let my head fall against the chair’s back. My third eye tingles and all about me I see the radiating waves of solar prana and breathe them in deeply. I see them shimmer and make everything around me seems vaporous. My own aura glows brightly exuding intense energy at a very relaxed vibration.
Content in my own skin and utterly at peace, I feel alive yet I am one with nature and the world.
Some perfumes take you places, some perfumes take you forward or back to other eras in time; this perfume just makes you glad to be alive and is perfect for wherever you happen to be.
Afternoon Slant would be acceptable on a hot summer day, but (for me) is even better on a cold grey rainy one, where you miss that afternoon sun warming you throughout. I sigh deeply, and have trouble opening my eyes. I do not want this to end…
thank you John!!
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