Each spring brings a series of 'waves of fragrance' sweeping over the land. A 'wave' is what i call the experience of standing on my doorstep (or driving down the road) and smelling a mass bloom, sight unseen. To think of the number of zillions & sillions & nillions of blossoms it takes to saturate the atmosphere for miles upon miles, truly humbles me to the power of the flower. If a satellite could be fitted with a special type of lens that could see scent, i bet the images would be sensational.
I have been aware of the major waves since childhood and i hope everyone has lived where Honeysuckle has rolled over them. Different parts of the country/world are going to have their own bio-regional waves; i keep hearing reports of the Jasmine in the deep south. Indeed, it has been just this phenomenon that has lodged Olde Charleston forever into the romantic sector of my heart, from summer trips during collage.
Here in NC the season starts with Winter Honeysuckle's classical 'floral', sometimes as early as January. (with a minor wave of Mahonia, in a good year.) There is a pause, an in-breath as it were, and then the exhaling of musky vanilla through the Russian Olive shrubs. (Keep in mind all these are "invasive" plant species..which sounds like someone unwanted!) There are several waves of Wisteria, the bloom time depending on the species; here on this farm we have 2 kinds! : ) Straight up musk. Matters become serious with the heavy-weights of Multiflora Rose leading into Honeysuckle that lands us at the front door of summer. In the fall a second Russian Olive, more civilized (actually also sold in garden centers) echos spring's delight.
What can take things over the top is when 2 waves overlap each other; right now the Black Locust trees are dangling its dazzling white blossoms and the Wild Hedge Roses are starting to explode over hill & dale. Up the eastern seaboard like a tide.
Yeh, Spring makes me quite heady as just about every day, seemingly for weeks without end, i step outside and check the 'ambient scent'.
geez, I can only imagine! some of those scents sad to say, I've never met. I think I'll make a ''bucket list'' now and make it all about the scents I want to meet and greet ! :D
ReplyDeletewhat part of the country do you live in, mLady? i know you have lilies & gardenias! *wink*