Tuesday, May 21, 2013

knee deep in May

We've had lot's of rain! But also good amounts of sun so the roses are still full of fragrance. Plants that produce oil (and color) need lot's of sun and water; fragrance molecules and color pigments take extra energy for the plant to manufacture. 
So far, so great this year.

Today i'm distilling Rose Water batch #3 &  finishing the Narcissus enfleurage by scooping it out of the tray & washing it with alcohol; i think i have a bit of extrait left from last year to add back in.

There's the daily harvest of Mock Orange to gather, now that they have dried off. These will get ground with salt into a paste.

IF it doesn't rain more today perhaps i can gather some honeysuckle that's not soggy. : )
 But as i type this the sky darkens... : (

And then there's the perfume bench to sit at and work on mods...

Never an unscented moment around here.


  1. Hi Dabney,
    Lovely photos!
    Please tell me what you do with the mock orange paste and why you add salt?

  2. Thank you Suzinn!
    It's an experiment for possible distillation... keep your fingers crossed!

  3. what do you do with the mock orange paste? I want some LOL, No I need some?!

  4. Well, if it doesn't work for distillation, perhaps i will use it as a face scrub! lol...it does sound nice, doesn't it.
